Good fun at the Cardiff Triathletes 400m swim time trial last night - some controvesy!
It was two swimmers side by side per lane for the timed 16 length affair. Ex winter league leader (and now banned from triathlon) Brian 'I'll swim through you' Hawkins used up what could only be described as 100% of the shared lane, leaving poor Andy Pearce swimming under the lane rope.
Afterwards Brian said "He was lucky to have the lane rope, I wanted him out into the next lane. I like a bit of personal space."
Andy was too shocked to comment, he hasn't spoken since.
Meanwhile, Pete Beaumont claims he took part in a timed 400m swim in Sweden while on his arctic expedition, but I can't see it really. He'll have to accept maximum penalty points for a no-show and give up his second place.
Personally this hasn't helped my chances, I'm stil waaaaayyyy down the batting order. Anyone for tennis?
Oh, I did 6:36 for 400m
That's not far off my PB, not bad for the training I've done lately - not much! (Just swimming really)