Friday, June 16, 2006

Body and Mind

Training/Racing is a funny thing - if you've ever trained a lot you may find you reach a point where you have to ignore how you feel, as how you feel and how you perform are two totally seperate things.

Sometimes, the worse you feel, the better you perform and vice versa.

Take Wednesday night, I was shattered and felt like not racing - I forgot my bike helmet when I travelled to the duathlon at Llandow (Simon Osborne kindly went home and fetched me one - thanks!). I normally more organised, honest.

It was my best result of the season so far - 3rd place, I was in about 5th place after the first 2 mile run, got up to 2nd place on the 8 mile bike, then dropped one place on the final run to Simon Osborne (had to let him beat me - he'd lent me a helmet ;-). This was 40 secs faster than my outing at the same event the previous month!

Weird. However, would be nice to feel 'fresh' at some point soon.


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